Jacobite History est. 2010

The members of Jacobite History est. 2010 form a German-based re-enactment group with performers from Germany, Ireland, France and Scotland. It is very important to us to present an authentic portrayal of the Gaelic culture from 18th century Scotland.
Our focus is on the unique culture of the Scottish Gaels, whose life, after the Battle of Culloden, was subject to a dramatic change imposed by the Royal House of Hanover. The culture of the Scottish Highland clans has always been passed on by oral tradition and is reflected in stories and songs. To keep alive all these beautiful things is our aim.


Although our group is named Jacobite History est. 2010, we do not portray Jacobites as such, we simply portray the way of life in Scotland, Ireland and England during the Jacobite era.



Royal Écossois

Highlanders in French service


In our military portrayal we re-enact the grenadiers of the regiment Royal Écossois, also known as "La compagnie des grenadiers du régiment Royal Écossois". The time frame covers the years from 17441762.






A Lochaber Clan

Highland gentry with clan and kin


In our civilian portrayal we re-enact Highland gentry, low nobility connected to their chief by being from the same blood, and followed by their own clan and kin. The time frame covers the years from 17251762.









Tandem triumphans